Adoption Agencies
If you have been keeping up with the adoption posts, you found out that we have decided to do a domestic infant adoption that is semi-open from a national agency. This post is to profile the two agencies we are considering. I think in my head I have narrowed it down to just one that I like the best, but we are still a little while out from actually starting the process, so my ideas about it might change. Here are some basic comparisons of each one.The first agency that we like is called Independent Adoption Center.
The other one is American Adoption Agency.
Here are a list of their comparisons.
Licensed yes yes
Location of offices CA, TX, GA, NC, IN FL, AR, MO, KS
Type of Adoption: Open Semi-open
Cost: 20k-50k ave. 28k for aap*
Wait time: 6-18months 1-9months for aap*
Birth parent counseling 7am-10pm and on holidays 24hours a day
Number of adoptions/year 200 300
type of profile individually done Standard for whole agency
(make your own website) (they have a standard
set up for you)
*Agency assisted program (aap) is one that promotes and gives certain incentives for parents that are willing to adopt a child that is full or partial african american
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