First thing

I have been wanting to collect baby things for a long time now.  Rich however has been the practical one and tells me no because it will still be a while.  We live in a 2 bedroom now, but when we move back to California soon we plan on something smaller for a year to save money for the adoption.  So our storage space is limited, which means he is right, I have no room to collect cute outfits, and shoes, funny bibs, perfect bows ect.  I however saw something at target about 6 months ago and couldn't resist.  This is the first and only baby thing I own for our bundle.
Gender neutral set of onesies with a hot air balloon.   I have decided that our nursery is going to be creamy and dreamy with a hint of hot air balloon and maybe some mint... then I came across this onesie set and had to have it.  Rich let me buy it ;)  Next post will be another nursery idea post.

Baby Name of the Month: Duncan

Back to our regular scheduled program, September's baby name  is


While brands like Duncan Hines, Duncan Toys (the yoyos) and Dunkin' Doughnuts might come to mind for you.. King Duncan is my first association with the name.

First off, Duncan has a lot of history that is grand.  The first sighting of the name is around the 300's as gaelic for meaning brown warrior.  This strong meaning probably encouraged two Scottish kings to use the name.  Both Duncan I and Duncan II King of Scotts reigned in the 11th century.

The Duncan I direct successor was Macbeth.  Sounding familiar yet?  In reality there are no stories of treachery and tragedy to be told, but that wouldn't make a good Shakespeare play now would it?  Shakespeare's Macbeth adaptation was is thought to be first performed in 1611 and based on Holinshed's Chronicles (1587). The Holinshed's Chronicles are a history of England, Scotland and Ireland, although the the play is quite different than actual history, thus it being a Shakespeare tragedy and not a history.

Duncan Hines was the original Yelp.  He was an American traveling salesman and during his travels he made a guide  and rating of restaurants he came across. He published a paper back book called Adventures in Good Eating (1935), and then had a newspaper column 3 times a week.  He then joined a company that made bread and sold the rights to his name, of course that company expanded and now makes the box cake mixes we now know.

Lately in the US this name is quite unpopular, but familiar.  He is ranked 835 out of the top 1000 names and has only ever made it to 377.  This means that in 2012 there were only 259 boys named Duncan, so he is fairly rare.  Which makes me happy.

Of course since we are headed down the road to adopting probably an african american boy, a name that means dark warrior, has a strong Shakespeare connection and a connection to confectioneries (since I am an avid baker) makes perfect sense for a name for a boy.  Rich however just is "meh" on the name.

I gave birth, but not to a baby.

I haven't blogged for some time.  This is mostly due to the fact that I was finishing my PhD.  After 5 long years of school I successfully wrote and defended my PhD.  I am now a Dr., my waistline is bigger, my house is messier, my blogs are in shambles, my dogs are neglected, I have no idea what is going on in the world, but I have a doctorate.

Recently there has been a barrage of pregnancy announcements and birth announcements on facebook.  So here is the post I would like to put up, but don't because I'm sure people would think it wasn't very nice and leave me comments about how rude I am blah blah blah.

      " oh you got drunk one night and make a kid with your genitals in under 30 minutes and it is the greatest accomplishment of you life and you would like congratulations and gifts and to tell me what size fruit the kid is every day?  Yah well I spent 5 long years working on a doctorate, not to mention the 17 years of previous schooling I needed to get into graduate school, but hey good job on that baby making thing."

Anyway. I'm done, and relieved.  I can now clean my house, walk my dogs, make dinner, blog, watch the Kardashians and do many of the things I have missed out on in the past few months. Not to mention start packing for a cross country move.

What else is going on?  Well not much, just waiting for the hubby to finish so we can move out of the south and back to a normal state.

Baby making?  Yah its been 1 year and 5 months, no ovulation, no baby making... so pretty much it is either fertility treatments or adoption at this point.  We chose adoption.  I just don't want to do fertility stuff, but that is for another blog post.

So the current plan is to, get jobs, move to california, live in a one bedroom for a year to save money for adoption, start the process around the holidays 2014.

Be looking for more frequent updates now =)