Domestic Infant Adoption

Catelynn Lowell from Teen Mom and boyfriend with their baby and her adoptive parents.

Ok.  So, back to the adoption talk.  The last posts were about adoption in general and a great adoption book.

This adoption thing took me to the internet. Lots and lots of googleing. There are many types of domestic infant adoption.  I will narrow it down here to : open adoption, semi-open adoption and closed adoption.

Lets start first with closed adoption.  This is the type of adoption most people think of when they think of adoption.   This type of adoption in domestic infant adoption would consist of a birthmother choosing an agency or facility to work with. The agency would then match the child with a family and keep all information from either party private.  There is no contact between birthmom, adoptive family during or post adoption. It is usually very difficult for the child to track their birthmother down post adoption. Some people really prefer this, but there is lots of controversy about it these days. Honestly this type of adoption is becoming rare, yes you can still do it, but it is becoming obsolete in domestic adoptions. If you are looking for a completely closed adoption, you might want to look into international adoption.

Semi-open adoption.  This is sort of a new term, it used to be lumped into open adoption, but is now sort of its own category.  A semi open adption can vary between situation based on what you, the agency and the birthmother agrees to.  Most often I have seen this in adoptions that happen between state lines, where they cannot see each other all the time.  The common ones I was looking at are where you and other families get matched with a birth mother by an agency.  The birthmother then looks at your profile and chooses a family.  It is a very interactive process as opposed to closed adoption. You then either meet the mother in person or on a conference call facilitated by the agency.  You are present at the hospital at the time of the birth.  Then contact sort of drops off, you do not exchange personal info such as address and contact info, all the rest of the contact is done through the agency.  Usually you send letters and pictures of the child on a yearly or semi-yearly basis, and they can send some back.  No post adoption visits usually happen.  So with this type they are getting to see the child grow up through photo albums and letters but do not have personal contact.  Some people choose to set up a separate email account and communicate that way, some people choose to visit when the child is much older.  So it varies, but the basis would be getting to know each other before the adoption takes place and continue minimal contact through the agency after the adoption takes place.

Open adoption. This is more and more prevalent today.  And if you have ever seen Catelynn on MTV's Teen Mom, she has an open adoption. Most commonly you would go through the same match and selection process as above, but the relationship grows from there. Again it is different from case to case depending on what you and the birthmother agree upon, but most common and in Catelynns scenario you also do letters and photo exchange through the agency.  No personal info is exchanged i.e. location, last names.  But the added bonus of 1-2 visitations a year is taken upon.  So your child grows up knowing their birthmother.  Sometimes this can vary greatly. I have seen stories where1-2 visits is typically the case, but then others that are very very open and even have the birthmother as a baby sitter.  So the amount of openness is at your discretion and will be discussed with you, the agency counselor and the birthmother.

These are just short introductions about the adoption types.  Not true in all cases, but is typical for most. So please do more research on it if you are interested.. I just am using this to walk through our internal thoughts and facts about our potential adoption journey.

So what do Rich and I want to do?  We are leaning at the semi-open adoption. More to continue on this subject later

Book Review: You Can Adopt

Today's book review is linked to the last serious blog post I had about adoption In which I stated that before researching I wanted to do an international adoption, but after tons of research we have settled on domestic infant adoption.

The book today is You Can Adopt: An Adoptive Families Guide 
by Susan Caughman and Isolde Motley

I would say that this book was instrumental in deciding what direction to take if we needed to go down the adoption path. 

First this book discusses the question, should we adopt.  Then it moves on and discusses all aspects of adoption from: types of adoption, financial considerations, legal considerations, emotional considerations.   There are also plenty of personal stories in the book, some happy, some sad, but all very real. Also dont forget to read the margins!  The margins contain little quick fact snip-its, quotes and dispel many stereotypes about adoption.  

This book is a great way to get acquainted with all types of adoption and does it from a very positive but real standpoint.  The book has "Reality Check lists" which is a quick check list summary of the high points of each chapter. After all of the adoption explanations it moves on to talk about the child in general.  It talks about how and when to tell the child's adoption story.  Then moves on to talk about disabilities that might arise if you chose to go down the special needs adoption path.

Overall, if you are just starting research on adoption.. I suggest this book.. It hits all of the hard questions and then tells you where to research more about them.

Overall I give this book a rating of 5 out of 5, a very good resource. 

Pregnant Women are Smug

This song is funny.. but actually is really really true! Pregnant women are so freaking smug!  I was telling my husband the other day how much I hated the saying " it doesnt matter what it is, just as long as they are healthy" .. bull crap.. I know you have a preference for a boy or a girl, why are you lying to yourself!  He showed me this video and we had a laugh, but it is totally true.  Darn Smug Pregnant Women!  Sometimes when you cant get pregnant.. you can go ahead and hate a little on those who can and are smug about it.


Nursery options

Lets look at baby rooms.. i love baby rooms! Right now I am on this creamy dreamy nursery theme kick. I really like the idea of the only thing that dictates that it is a nursery is the crib and maybe a rocking horse. No pooh bear wall paper, no noahs ark animals everywhere, no abc's and 123's, just very well chosen creamy items.  They are "sophisticated nurseries", but still sweet and whimsical at the same time.
 Here are some I like.

Of course there is JLo's nursery.. her marriage may not have lasted, but this nursery will always be my love.

I really love this one below, and could possibly pull it off way easier than JLo's but it is still semi glam and super cute.

Who can forget the Father of the Bride nursery?

Love baby stuff!


Well lets get back to the subject at hand.  Having babies when you are infertile.  If you have kept up with previous posts you noticed Our Plan. We/ I have chosen to only delve slightly into infertility treatments only to go up to Clomid.  This leaves the question... if it doesn't work, then what next.  If you read "Our Plan"  you noticed that our next option was adoption. This post will talk about Adoption as it applies to us and our lives, all facts are not true for other people.

First off there are 3 main types of adoption.  International, Domestic Foster Adoption, Domestic Infant adoption, there are several different types within those groups as well... Our Choice as it stands now is Domestic Infant Adoption.... and this is how we came to this decision.

When I first started the small thoughts of adoption, with no research at all, I immediately thought that the only type I would even consider was International, and the country I wanted was China.  My nieve view of adoption was that International was "easy" and all countries wanted their orphan babies to go to America.  This is not the case.. Adoption is hard any way you do it.  I came to find out that international adoption has many problems along with its benefits (listed below)

International Adoption as we saw it
-Children are considered orphans and parental rights do not have to be considered at all
-you can get a child from 6 months old to a teenager depending on what suits your family
-Depending on the country, you have access to medical history

Draw Backs
-The most expensive of all adoptions
-Every country has its limits, and you can only apply to one country, so if that country decides to close adoptions to the US during your application, you have to start all over again and never recoup the cost.
-Several Countries have severe drawbacks in our eyes, here is a short list of the main ones
-China's wait time as it stands is 6 years. Russia requires 2 visits, The first you meet the child and spend 1-2 weeks bonding, the second is to finalize, but a lot of times the time between the two are 2-3months, so after you have bonded with the child you must leave them in an orphanage for months before they are yours. Korea has a parent weight limit that Rich and I will never achieve. Guatemala is still working on refineing their adoption process, right now the risk of "corruption" is too high for my taste. Hot places such as India, Ethiopia, and the like are not really ones I want to visit for an extended period of time (selfish, yes.. but there it is)

Foster adoption is one that I have never been interested in.  I know a lot about the California foster system and it is flawed heavily.  These children do need wonderful parents, but it is a system that I do not wish to put my husband and my emotional sanity through.  Every state is different, but because we really want to move back to California, I have looked most highly into this one.  I will say that it takes very special people to go this route.. I am not one of them. Here are a list of the possitives and negatives.

-Usually ends up being the least expensive
-The child is brought directly to your home, and bonding and adjusting can begin right away
- You can get anywhere from a newborn to a teen depending on what suits your family
 -Placement is usually quick after approval

-it takes about 1 year to be approved if done quickly
-most children in California are not orphan status, so you must go through parental right revoking before adoption, which varies case by case, I have seen it as short as a year to as  long as 4 years.
-Until the adoption is finalized there is always a risk of replacement which is heartbreaking
 -Really the biggest drawback is that the system is set up for reunification, as it should be, but that leaves adoptive parents out of the loop and struggling with social workers and the "system" that is not equipped to handle all the children that it has. So for this reason it is a large struggle, heartache, heartbreak and intesely long process

Domestic Infant Adoption
If you have ever seen the movie Juno, this is an example of one type of Domestic Infant Adoption where she sought out a family and they went through a single lawyer to make the "baby exchange".  This is probably the least popular type of DIA, but still a choice that can be made.  Most often a family would apply to an adoption agency and a birthmom would too, they are then matched on several factors. Every state/ agency is different but here are the basic positives and negatives.

- You will most likely either be in the room at the birth or at the hospital, so you get to see baby on their first days
-You can chose to have a relationship with the birth family (open adoption/ semi open) or not (closed adoption)
-Full medical histories are available
-If you join a large national agency there are usually financial "insurance" type set ups incase your adoption is interrupted (falls through).. all the money you have put into it is not lost
-Probably the most feared is the interupted (not completed) adoption where the birth mother changes her mind at the last second.  Yes it happens, but not as often as you think
-you have to be very flexible because babies come on their own time, you really only want to start traveling to the place of birth when the mom goes into labor.. that means a middle of the night call can result in quick packing and cross country travel.
-Cost is variable on what agency, location and willingness to support the birthmother, sometimes there are a lot of hidden or unknown costs that pop up

The next post on this subject I will dive deeper into DIA and what choices we have made about it including agency/ state ect.

Baby Name of the Month

Its that time again to divulge into one of my favorite subjects.. BABY NAMES

One of the number one reasons I love Sebastian is his association with two of my loves in life.. The Little Mermaid and Shakespeare.  Technically the little mermaid stole the names Sebastian and Ariel from the Shakespeare play The Tempest.  He is also the name of the main character of on e of my childhood favorite movies the Neverending Story.

More historically you may have heard of a little composer Johann Sebastian Bach.

I really like the way he sounds, so manly yet better and more articulate than Butch.

The drawbacks to Sebastian? He is currently ranked at #68 and climbing which is way way too popular to me. After mentioning one of the names I have loved most of my life to Rich... instead of saying wow honey thats a wonderful name for a son he says.. sounds like SEA BASS.  Thanks.

So overall I really love his connection to several cultural references but his popularity and my husbands less than enthusiastic response has put this name further down the list.. but still on the list.  Gosh I still just really love Sebastian.

Halloween Role Model

   Let me just say that Halloween is my favorite holiday.  I love the smell of pumpkin spice, apple cider, and soup on the stove.  I love the color orange, and just really really love pumpkins. Infact it is my dream to have a halloween baby.. can you imagine the amazing birthday paries!!!   My favorite part of halloween has always been the costumes!  I grew up with a mom that didnt have much money and my costumes were homemade most years.. honestly this suited me quite well.. I was always unique and the center of attention.  I now make elaborate homemade costumes and love them! Now a days the costumes at the store are flimsy, over $50 and if you are my age the only thing available are sexy costumes... sexy cat, sexy nurse, sexy maid.  Then there are those sexy costumes that shouldnt exist.. like sexy Abe Lincoln sexy big bird, and sexy pebbles flinstone.  Why in the world have all the costume makers decided that all women should show off their boobs and hoooha at halloween?  I will never understand this, nor do I want to show up at my bosses halloween party with a bare chest.
  One thing that has come to mind this year, that I have not thought of in recent years is the fact that my children will one day want to see these pictures in our old photo albums.  Do I want my future daughter or son seeing mommies butt cleavage hang out.. no way.  It amazes me that some of my friends on facebook that have children post pictures of them going out and doing keg stands or shots in their slutty costume.  Is this really how you want your 4 year old to see you?
  I have thought of my past costumes, some might be a little scary for the average young child, but none of them have any "sexy" aspect to them.  I am proud to say that I can show all of my costume creations to my future child and let them have a laugh without being grossed out by moms boobs.  Maybe this will set a good example for my possible future daughter and she will not want to parade around in lingerie with bunny ears on halloween, but instead be unique and win costume contest with her outrageous but modest costume.

Here are some of my past homemade creations.

The exorcist
 Beetlejuice and headless woman
 Cupcake and baker... talk about being covered up!
Charlie Chaplin
Ron Weasley and Luna Lovegood