Baby Name of the Month: Isadora
Baby Name of The Month
So yes, I have a name obsession.. but hey, we all have to have hobbies right? Ready for BNOTM?
Isadora (Iz-ah-dor-ah)
You might think that this name stems from the very popular Isabella... wrong. Technically Isadora is descended from a greek name form of the meaning "Gift of Isis", Egyptian goddess Isis. Isis is the ideal mother and wife as well as the patron of nature and magic. Its pretty much a similar greek root as Theodore "gift of god"
A second namesake is St. Isidora (more common eastern form of the name).. Isidora lived in the Egyptian convent . She veiled her head with an old dishrag and some time was treated with contempt by other nuns. One day, the hermit Saint Pitirim visited the convent after the vision of angel, who had told him to "find an elect vessel full of the grace of God"... "by the crown that shines above her head".The aforesaid crown was reportedly seen above Saint Isidora.... boom she was special and was sainted.
The most known namesake is Isadora Duncan (seen right). She was a revolutionary american dancer that moved to europe to dance where she hit it big. Her life was both scandalous and tragic.. marrying young men, affairs, illegitimate children... but she is a ballet legend.
Also, Isadora is one of the main characters in Lemony Snickets books.
Why I love Isadora?... she is such a lovely romantic name, not popular at all.. in fact has not been on the US charts since 1900. ... downside? I hate Izzy and dora... if I could guarantee she would never be Izzy or dora I am in... It is so unpopular of a name, but seems familiar because of all the Isabellas...I also would hate people asking me.. "Isadora.. is that like Isabella?"
Overall I heart Isadora.
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