
So for my whole life I have had anxiety dreams about school.  They have sort of changed over the years as I moved from high school, to college and on to PhD, but are mostly the same story line...  a person comes from a previous school and tells me I didn't finish said school and all of my accomplishments and degrees are now null and void and I have to start over again. I am then late to said school and cant find my way and am doomed to flunk out and live on the street. This usually happens before the first day of school, exams, when big assignments are due ect.

This is the first time I have ever had an anxiety dream not relating to school.  So do we call this a turning point, a breaking point, a growing up point, or a point in which I need to go to the loony bin?  No one knows.  Ha.

Here's the dream that I had.
 I was having pains and went to the ER, turns out I was one of those people who were "pregnant and didnt know it", like the show.  Then I had a baby and was freaked out that they were sending me home and it was twins.  When we got home everyone was coming over and congratulating us, but I was so freaked out that we had nothing.  I was holding the kids telling people to go buy some formula and diapers and crying in the corner.  Some people went to the store and came back with useless things like a rocking horse and I was freaking out.  No one knew that we needed certain stuff for a baby and I felt so unprepared.

So what did I do when I woke up and went to work?  I updated my amazon baby wishlist.  Now I am more prepared and no baby anxiety dreams lately.. but an awesome amazon wish list which you can now view HERE.

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