Not Me

Number of people I know who have had a baby in the last 12 months.. 10
Number of people I know expecting a baby right now..  6

The stork sure does seem to be circling my friends.. not me though

Just a waiting game

Well I have been off birth control since May 20  ( 70 days)... no period or ovulation. So that means no eggs dropping.. no fertilization to happen.  Not surprising, but I was hopeful things would miraculously work out.

What am I doing now? Waiting. We we are trying to track ovulation with temperature and other gross factors.  By doing this I will have tons of data to show my doctor that I do not actually ovulate.. so we can just skip some of the mumbo jumbo questions about if we are having sex right and what not.

Tentative Dr. appointment is in December.  I just want to have enough data and time to show that we are doing everything we can on our own and that we need to move on to medication.

Anyway, I am using Fertility Friend to track.  Its very user friendly and gives a nice scientific graph, and things. So far so good, just no ovulation.

I turned 28 ten days ago.... so it also feels like the clock is ticking.. do you hear it?  I do.  tick tick tick.

Baby Name of the Month: Jude

Baby name of the month for July is


Jude, for a boy.. even though Martha Stewart's daughter used this name for her girl.. I say this name is all boy.  Jude is the first boys name Rich and I could ever agree on... it took only about 4 years.

Jude is a one syllable boys name, which I love.. in fact most of the names we now have on our boys side of the list (that we both agree on) are one syllable names. It gives a zippy masculine sound will out being pretentious like Thurston Howell the third. I just really love the sound Jude.. sounds so fun and manly and handsome all at the some time.

As far as popularity goes Jude is ranked number 155 this year.. which is fairly popular.. which annoys me to no end.. in the last 14 years Jude went from being non existent in the top 1000 names to being 155... so I really dont like how common it is becoming... but 155 is not too common like Mason at number 2 this year, so I would be willing to overlook this number.

Jude Law is making the name more main stream, even though it is his middle name... his real name is David Jude Law, do you think he would be as handsome as a David? No I don't think so either.

But I know what you most connect with the name... Hey Jude.. the Beatles song.. and that is probably the second major drawback of this name for me... don't you think our son will be sick of hearing that song or " HEY.. Jude" every time his name is called by the time he is 3?

So what is the first major drawback?  well unfortunately I don't want to say as it will give away our top names on our list... which I wont be sharing until we have a baby in our arms...  So I will simply say it clashes with one of our top baby names.

Overall I love Jude, but dont think I could saddle a boy up with it for 2 reasons.. the song, and the clash ... but I do still like the fact that it was the first boys name we could agree to both like... so he holds a soft spot in my heart.


Another song for baby from daddy

Baby Name of the Month: Calypso

I totally missed the whole month of June.. so you get two baby names this month!

June's baby name is 

There are very few girls names that end in -o.. but I happen to think they are awesome, so this name is awesome... not to mention my favorite letter P is in the middle.

Calypso is most notable the sea nymph from the Odessey that traps Odisseus on her island for 7 years.  She is supposed to be extremely beautiful and blessed with the gift of song. She is usually said to be the daughter of Titan Atlas and a "sea nymph", so she is often depicted as a mermaid.  I just love all of these greek myths and think it would be fun to have a child that had a story to their name.

Another calypso that you might think of is calypso music which hails from the Caribbean. Honestly when I think of calypso in music form it reminds me of one of my fave movies Beetlejuice.  In the dinner scene they dance the calypso to Day-O... and man I love that scene.

Problems with Calypso... well I would think that her name would be shortened to Calli almost immediately, and I hate nick names. I dont mind Calli.. but kinda feel like if I wanted her called Calli, then thats what I would name her.   I also don't think Calli has my heart because doesn't carry the p or the o which I love.

 Over all I love Calypso for her whimsical mythology and wonderful sound, but dont like the nick name options.