I hate her Uterus

More pregnancy announcements this week... this is totally how I feel.

False Alarm

Remember when I thought I might have ovulated? Soon after that post my temp went down.. and not just slightly down, I mean plummeted.  So no ovulation. Here is my crappy chart.

So now we are back to watching temps bob up and down again.
PCOS: 1  Me : 0

Baby Email

So.. our top 3 baby names now have Gmail addresses.  Yah that's right our babies have yet to even be conceived or have adoption paperwork started.. but they now have their own personal email.  Here is how this happened.

This morning I woke up to many pictures on my facebook for the first day of school.. and it reminded me that Rich and I forgot to wish our little friend Brady to have a happy first day at Kindergarten even though we saw him last night.  A quick message to his mom, my new bff,.. and she told me I could email him.  His email was his first and last name at gmail.com just like rich and I.  This reminded me of this article, where parents are nailing down their babies gmails to make sure no one takes them.  I wrote Brady his happy email.  I then talked to Rich at lunch about signing our top baby names up for a gmail.  He thought it was a good idea.  Why you may ask?

Well gmail/ google accounts seem to be the dominant internet identities and doesn't seem to be dying down.. doesn't mean it wont, but if it is going to be the main use of personal email for a while, it might be nice to have your own name without any numbers or extra symbols.  So thats what we did... we signed up our top 3 baby names for gmail accounts... 2girls, 1 boy.    Our #1 name even has their first email from daddy which was really sweet. I almost have their baby name letter done and will probably send it to them.

Baby name letter you say?  This is a letter that I wrote to them to put in their baby book about where their name comes from and why they are named that... yah, I have a thing for names if you cant tell.

Anyway.. we have google accounts for 3 possible babies.  But as a disclaimer I will say we wont be having more than 2 kids.. just wanted to make sure our top name options were nailed down in the internet world.


When a "friend" my age on facebook announces their 6th child is a boy .. complete with ultrasound pictures
I need this button

Really do we all need to see the ultrasounds and say congrats.. its your 6th damn child.. get over it and use a condom.

Possible Ovulation

Here is my temperature chart.  Sustained higher temperatures represent ovulation (marked by red dotted lines).  This is the first time I have had my temps "spike" so maybe I ovulated.  It is a little to early to say as they might just go down, but we will see.

I also included a "normal" chart to show what it should look like during ovulation.  Ovulation has a temp dip then spike along with egg white cervical mucus only 3 days before ovulation... of course pcos gives you very erratic temps and cervical mucus so it is hard to predict.. but im mostly charting so i can show the doctor how anovulatory I am.

My Chart

Normal Chart

See the above normal chart.  Menses marked in pink is when your temp is low.. then when fertile cm shows up (in green) is when your temp really dips.. ovulation is marked by a severe spike in temp and maintains until menses start again.   Looking at my chart.. its just random crap with a possibility of ovulation a few days ago.. So it will either stay up or go back down... up would be good, but I suspect it might just be a false spike as can happen with pcos.. which is actually what creates the cysts.   Your body gets really really really close to ovulating and has a ready egg sack but it never bursts causing lots of almost ready egg sacks and no egg dropping.

 So egg dropping, panty dropping ... who knows.. come back in a few days to find out.

Baby Name of the Month: Piper

August's Baby name of the month is


I would say that the number one reason I love Piper is her two P's. I dont know why I love P in names.. but I have this very romantic relationship with P... haha

Second Piper is definatly nickname proof.. of course no name is totally nn proof cause you could always call her P or something.. but its as close as you can get to a nn proof name.

Piper was always an obscure name and never cracked the US top 1000 names until 1999, the year after Charmed debuted  and Piper Halliwell was one of the star trio.  Since then she has risen from being ranked at 701 in 1999 to number 110 in 2011.  This is a HUGE jump in the last 12 years going from nonexistant to almost in the top 100.. that is a negative for me.  I wish she were firmly in the 300-500's, but everyone else seems to agree that she is an awesome name.

Another downside to Piper is her -er ending.. it just sounds funny with our last name I think.. which also ends in -er.  I also dont think she fits in with some of our other fave girl names.. which are more whimsical and romantic.

Other fun things about Piper are
-She is a main character in Rich's and my favorite series Heroe's of Olympus
-She has a musical background
-Piper nigrum is black pepper, so she is a spicy name

Over all I love her spice and spunkiness, but think that her popularity and -er ending are major drawbacks.

Pregnancy Test

No period since May.. and the fertility chart said I should test this weekend...  No surprise....
Not Pregnant.

 I was not too surprised because it didnt look like I ovulated, but there is a large temp shift on my chart, but it coincides with me getting a new thermometer, so I was pretty sure that was the reason. Even though I was 99% certain I wasnt, it is still hard to look at that damn pee stick and have it confirm that you are not.. there is always that little light in the back of my mind hoping that just by accident or coincidence that this all works out naturally for us.  Im pretty sure it wont and we will be on the adoption road soon enough.

 Any way.. no eggs dropping, no babies dropping.   Just another childless day in the house.

We did get to go out with our friends who have a 5 year old and a 1 year old to one of those japanese steak houses that does the show in front of you.  It was fun, and I love baby time.. so it turned out to be an ok day.