Possible Ovulation

Here is my temperature chart.  Sustained higher temperatures represent ovulation (marked by red dotted lines).  This is the first time I have had my temps "spike" so maybe I ovulated.  It is a little to early to say as they might just go down, but we will see.

I also included a "normal" chart to show what it should look like during ovulation.  Ovulation has a temp dip then spike along with egg white cervical mucus only 3 days before ovulation... of course pcos gives you very erratic temps and cervical mucus so it is hard to predict.. but im mostly charting so i can show the doctor how anovulatory I am.

My Chart

Normal Chart

See the above normal chart.  Menses marked in pink is when your temp is low.. then when fertile cm shows up (in green) is when your temp really dips.. ovulation is marked by a severe spike in temp and maintains until menses start again.   Looking at my chart.. its just random crap with a possibility of ovulation a few days ago.. So it will either stay up or go back down... up would be good, but I suspect it might just be a false spike as can happen with pcos.. which is actually what creates the cysts.   Your body gets really really really close to ovulating and has a ready egg sack but it never bursts causing lots of almost ready egg sacks and no egg dropping.

 So egg dropping, panty dropping ... who knows.. come back in a few days to find out.

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